====== Aimée Lahaussois (English version) ====== {{:laboratoire:membres:lahaussois.jpg?direct&200|}} [[aimee.lahaussois@linguist.univ-paris-diderot.fr]] Linguistics researcher Co-director of the Paris Graduate School of Linguistics, https://paris-gsl.org/ [[laboratoire:membres:lahaussois|Voir la version française]] ==== Education ==== * Habilitation à diriger des recherches, linguistics, Université de Paris (2020) * PhD, linguistics, University of California, Berkeley (2002) * Bachelor of Arts, classics, Princeton University (1993) ==== Areas of research ==== * Description and documentation of Tibeto-Burman languages, Kiranti group (Nepal) * Morphosyntax * Field linguistics: tools and methodology * Grammaticography and history of descriptive linguistics * History of annotation practices (glossing, translation) ==== Collaborative projects directed ==== * [[https://taxogram.huma-num.fr/home.html|Taxogram]] project (IDEX Emergences en recherche grant, co-directed with Yvonne Treis), 2021 * Labex project "[[http://www.labex-efl.com/wordpress/2020/01/15/gl1-ideophones-and-interjections-in-a-typological-areal-and-diachronic-perspective-2/?lang=en|Ideophones and Interjections]]" (co-directed with Yvonne Treis, LLACAN), Labex EFL, 2020-2024. * Collaborative Research Project (funded jointly by CNRS and University of Melbourne) with Barbara Kelly (U of Melbourne) "Chains of influence in the description of Tibeto-Burman languages of Nepal", May 2017-May 2018. * [[http://tulquest.huma-num.fr/en/|TULQuest project]] (Project investigating linguistic and typological questionnaires), funded by the Fédération de Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques, 2014-2018. * TUL project on "Ideophones and Interjections"(co-directed with Yvonne Treis, LLACAN), funded by the Fédération de Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques, 2018-2019. * "Dictionnaire historique de la terminologie linguistique" project (co-directed with Bernard Colombat), 2010-2017. * ANR project [[http://himalco.huma-num.fr/|HimalCo]] "Parallel corpora in Himalayan languages" (project coordinator: Guillaume Jacques, CRLAO), 2013-2016. ==== Scientific events organized ==== * Workshop "[[https://carnetshtl.hypotheses.org/4863|Ideophones and reduplication in South Asia and the Himalayas]]", online, 7 and 8 September 2021 * Workshop "Ideophones and interjections" (co-convened with Yvonne Treis), SLE conference, Leipzig, August 2019 * International Workshop on questionnaires for linguistic description and typology, Paris, 9-10 November 2017, http://carnetshtl.hypotheses.org/2055 * Scientific session "Linguistiques amérindiennes" (co-organized with Chloé Laplantine and Jacqueline Léon), Paris, 30 September 2017 * [[https://ichols14.sciencesconf.org/conference/ichols14/pages/Abstract_A9_Lahaussois_complete.pdf|Workshop on comparative glossing practises]] : Open workshop co-organized with Franck Cinato held at the 2017 [[https://ichols14.sciencesconf.org/|ICHOLS conference]], August-September 2017. * International Workshop on Kiranti Languages" (co-organized with Guillaume Jacques), Paris, 1-2 December 2016 * Workshop on "Extended grammars" (co-organized with Emilie Aussant), Paris, 3-4 November 2016 * Scientific session “From punctuation to morphosyntactic glosses: East and West, past and present” (co-organized with Franck Cinato), Paris, 12 December 2015 ==== Teaching ==== *Typologie et linguistique de terrain, first year Master's program course, Linguistics department, University of Paris VII (2016, 2017, 2018: co-taught with O. Bonami; 2019, 2020, 2021: co-taught with Otto Zwartjes) *Field investigation techniques, first year Master's program course, Linguistics department, University of Paris VII (2019, 2020) *"Working with Questionnaires for data collection", [[https://fieldling.sciencesconf.org/?forward-action=index&forward-controller=index&lang=en|International School in Linguistic Fieldwork (FieldLing)]], (2019, 2020, 2021) *Méthodes linguistiques : linguistique de terrain, first year Master's program course, Linguistics department, University of Paris VII (2014) *Initiation au thulung rai, third year Bachelor's program course, Linguistics department, University of Paris IV (2009-2010), (2010-2011) ==== PhD supervision ==== *2020-..., Jean-Baptiste Lamontre, "Pratiques grammaticographiques dans la description des langues himalayennes, de Brian H. Hodgson au Linguistic Survey of India" (co-supervisor Emilie Aussant, CNRS, HTL). Funding : Paris Diderot (ED 622) PhD contract. ==== Publications and presentations ==== - [[laboratoire:membres:lahaussois:1|Publications]] - [[laboratoire:membres:lahaussois:2|Manuals, dictionaries]] - [[laboratoire:membres:lahaussois:2|Book reviews]] - [[laboratoire:membres:lahaussois:3|Talks]] === Online resources === Contributions to LACITO Pangloss archive * [[https://pangloss.cnrs.fr/corpus/Koyi_Rai|Koyi Rai]] * [[https://pangloss.cnrs.fr/corpus/Thulung_Rai|Thulung Rai]] * [[https://pangloss.cnrs.fr/corpus/Khaling|Khaling Rai]] * [[http://himalco.huma-num.fr/corpus/comparable/index.htm|Kiranti comparable corpus]] === Dissertation === * 2002, Aspects of the grammar of Thulung Rai: an endangered Himalayan language, University of California, Berkeley, 390 p