====== Aimée Lahaussois ====== === Communications / Talks === * 2021. "TAM in Kiranti language descriptions: 1850's-1980's", Séance scientifique HTL //Le système verbal chez quelques grammairiens de langues non-européenne des 19e et 20e siècles : Quatre études de cas de trois continents: Afrique (wolof), Amérique du sud (tupi-guarani), Asie (kiranti) et langues méso-americaines (nahuatl et matlatzinca)//, 21 May 2021 (online) * 2021, "Vers une approche empirique des pratiques grammaticographiques", Séminaire //Le statut et le défi des dictionnaires et des grammaires//, 17 & 18 March 2021, Université Aix Marseille (online) * 2020, "Terrains outillés sur les langues kiranti du Népal", Séminaire //Le terrain//, 16 October 2020, Université Aix Marseille (online) * 2020, with Guillaume Jacques, "Elevational deixis in the Kiranti verb", //International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics//, 2-4 October 2020, Austin, Texas (online) * 2020 (invited speaker), "Glossing in the Linguistic Survey of India: Some insights into early 20th century practices", First //International Conference on Linguistic Terminology, Glossing and Phonemicization//, 22-24 January 2020, Yonezawa, Japan * 2019, "Derivational predicates in Thulung Rai", South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA), 29-31 October 2019, Paris * 2019, "The emergence of segmentation in descriptions of Tibeto‐Burman languages of Nepal", Henry Sweet Society, 5-8 September 2019, Edinburg, Scotland. * 2019, with Yvonne Treis, "[[https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02273806|Introduction, Workshop on ideophones and interjections]]", SLE, 21-24 August 2019, Leipzig, Germany. * 2019, "Tracing influences in descriptive grammar organization", Himalayan Languages Symposium, 26-28 June 2019, Sydney, Australia. * 2019, "The morphology of derivational predicates in Thulung", International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, 23-25 June 2019, Sydney, Australia. * 2019, "Predicate derivations in Thulung", Séminaire LingLunch Paris Diderot, 6 June, Paris. * 2019, "Une étude pilote en grammaticographie empirique : grammaires de langues du Népal", Séminaire HTL-Labex, 20 May, Paris. * 2019, avec Barbara Kelly, "Establishing linguistic schools through reading descriptive grammars: a pilot study using Himalayan grammars", Colloque de la Société d'histoire et épistémologie des sciences du langage, 24-26 January, Paris. * 2018, avec Barbara Kelly, "Evolving approaches to verbal paradigms in Hodgson’s descriptions of Kiranti languages", Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific, 12-14 December, Adelaide, Australia. * 2018, avec Guillaume Jacques, "Ambulatives in Kiranti", ESAMP (Events and Space: Associated Motion and Posture), 5 December, Université Paris Diderot, Paris * 2018, "TULQuest: an interactive archive for linguistic questionnaires" (Poster). Syntax of the World's Languages, 3-5 September, Paris * 2018, "Inauspicious events in Thulung Rai: from prohibitives to the odd avertive." Syntax of the World's Languages, 3-5 September, Paris * 2018, "Ambulative constructions in Khaling Rai and Thulung Rai." Himalayan Languages Symposium, 8-10 June, Lucknow, India. * 2018, "Associated Motion: an emerging category". Séminaire HTL-Labex EFL, 29 janvier. * 2017, avec Guillaume Jacques et Shuya Zhang. “Associated Motion in Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan”. Workshop sur le mouvement associé, Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, 15 décembre, Canberra (presenté par Shuya Zhang) * 2017, "The TULQuest linguistic questionnaire archive". Workshop on questionnaires in linguistic description and typology, 9-10 novembre, Paris. * 2017, "TULQuest, an online archive for linguistic questionnaires". Journées des programmes TUL, 14 et 15 septembre, Paris. * 2017, "Glosses for argument roles in descriptions of languages with polypersonal verbal indexation". International Conference on the History of Language Sciences, 28/8-1/9/2017, Paris * 2017, avec Jacqueline Léon. "Morpheme as a unit (of transcription and analysis) in American anthropogical linguistics." Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society, 28 avril, University of Westminster, Londres. * 2017 "{{:laboratoire:membres:morphologyworkshoplahaussois.pdf|Ditransitives, applicatives and gaps in Thulung verb paradigms}}." Workshop Labex (org. Olivier Bonami) 'Typologie et modélisation des systèmes morphologiques’, 12 janvier. * 2016, "Ideophonic lexemes in Khaling". [[http://himalco.huma-num.fr/Kiranti_workshop_program.pdf|Atelier sur les langues kiranti]], 1-2 décembre 2016. (Colloque de clôture du projet ANR HimalCO, co-organisé avec Guillaume Jacques) * 2016, avec Séverine Guillaume. "The Kiranti Comparable Corpus: an aligned mythological corpus for three Kiranti languages", [[http://lacito.vjf.cnrs.fr/colloque/40-ANS/index.htm|Colloque Du terrain à la théorie: les 40 ans du LACITO]], 15-17 novembre 2016. [[http://example.com|Lien externe]] * 2016, "The shapes of verbal paradigms in Kiranti languages". [[https://carnetshtl.hypotheses.org/1804|Journées d'étude sur les Grammaires étendues]], 3-4 novembre 2016. (Journées d'étude co-organisées avec Emilie Aussant) * 2016, "Examining approaches to describing complex verbal morphology for an unwritten language." Colloque SHESL, 21-23 janvier 2016, Paris * 2016, "Himalco : Corpus parallèles en langues himalayennes". Séminaire Problèmes d'Analyse et Comparaison de Langues, 13 janvier 2016, LACITO, Villejuif. * communication acceptée. "Ideophones in Khaling Rai". Colloque Himalayan Languages Symposium, 26-28 novembre 2015, Katmandou, Népal. * 2015, "Contemporary interlinear glossing as practiced by field linguists." Séance scientifique HTL "From punctuation to morphosyntactic glosses: East and West, past and present" (co-organisée avec Franck Cinato), 12 décembre 2015, Paris * 2015, "Relativization in Thulung Rai" XVIIIe Journées Linguistique Asie Orientale, 2-3 juillet 2015, Paris * 2014, "Reflexive derivations in Thulung Rai". Syntax of the World's Languages, Pavia, Italy, 8-10th September 2014. * 2014, "Where have all the interjections gone? A look into the place of interjections in contemporary grammars of endangered languages." ICHOLS XIII, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, 25-29th August 2014. http://ichols-xiii.realvitur.pt/program.aspx * 2014, "Building a comparable corpus of Kiranti mythology". Journée d'études Népal, Lyon, France, 27/03/14. http://www.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/divers/Index.asp?Langue=FR&Page=Agenda&Jour=27&Mois=3&Annee=2014 * 2013, avec Jacqueline Léon: "Transcription et traduction des langues non-écrites. Étude comparative 1950-2000". Journée d'étude "Traduction", Paris, France, 11/10/13. http://te-doctorants.blogspot.fr/2013/10/journee-detude-traduction-et-histoire.html * 2013, "Irrealis across Kiranti languages", 3rd Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Sichuan, Paris, France, 2-4/9/13. http://stw-sichuan2013.sciencesconf.org/ * 2012, "The translation tier in interlinear glossed text: changing practises in the description of endangered languages?", Translation and Innovation conference, Paris, France, 13-15/12/12. http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/TransInov/page.php?np=program * 2012, "The Kiranti comparable corpus", Language endangerment: methodologies and new challenges, Cambridge, UK, 6/7/12. http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/1688/ * 2011, "Middle Marking in Thulung Rai", 24eme journées de linguistique d'asie orientale, Paris, France, 30/6-1/7/11, http://lodel.ehess.fr/crlao/sommaire.php?id=1197 * 2011, "Middle marking in Thulung Rai", 4eme Colloque International de l'Association Française de Linguistique Cognitive, Lyon, France, 24-27/5/11,http://www.ddl.ish-lyon.cnrs.fr/colloques/AFLiCo_IV/index.asp?Action=Edit&Langue=FR&Page=Home * 2011, "The Thulung Rai verbal system: an account of verb stem alternation", South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable XXIX, Mysore, India, 6-8/1/11