====== Jacqueline Léon ====== {{:laboratoire:membres:jleon.jpg?200 |}} \\ Directrice de Recherche émérite au CNRS \\ \\ [[jacqueline.leon@univ-paris-diderot.fr]] [[laboratoire:membres:leon|Voir en français]] \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ ==== Main research topics ==== //History and Epistemology of the Contemporary Language Sciences// 1. History of the automation of the language sciences 2. History of Structuralism 3. Transfer of scientific and technical knowledge and applications 4. American Linguistics 5. British Linguistics 6. Constitution of a collection of archives and documents on the history of Machine Translation and Natural Language Processing ==== List of publications ==== [[https://cv.archives-ouvertes.fr/jleon|HAL]]