Otto Zwartjes

13. Rédaction. Responsabilités éditoriales, "Anonymous referee" Research councils, etc.

1. Directeur de la série “Lingüística misionera”. Iberoamericana Vervuert.

La colección Lingüística Misionera constituye un foro internacional con dos objetivos: por un lado se trata de editar o reeditar principalmente obras lingüísticas del período colonial relativas a las lenguas amerindias y asiáticas. Por otra parte se persigue abrir un espacio para el estudio sistemático de la contribución de la lingüística al conocimiento y descripción de estas lenguas

2. Membre comités de rédaction, comité scientifique, comité de lecture (associate editor, advisory editorial board). Book series and journals/ reviews.

- Member of the Editorial Board of the monograph-series Studies in the History of the Language Sciences (John Benjamins).
- Executive editor of the review Historiographia Linguistica (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins).
- Member of the scientific board of the book series Grammatica Humanística (Universidad de Extremadura).
- Member of the Advisory editorial board of the review Histoire Épistémologie, Langage (Société d'Histoire et d'Epistémologie des Sciences du Langage) (Paris, France).
- Member of the Advisory board (“Consejo asesor”) of the Anuario de Lingüística Hispánica (Valladolid, Spain).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Review of the Grupo de Estudos Lingüísticos do Estado de São Paulo (GEL) (São Paulo, Brazil).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Review LinguistSOS (Valencia, Spain) (until 2017).
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Revista de Lenguas y Literaturas Indoamericanas (Departamento de Lenguas, Literatura y Comunicación Facultad de Educación, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Universidad de La Frontera, Chile).
- Member of the editorial board of the Revista México y la Cuenca del Pacífico (MyCP)(Guadalajara, México)
- Member of jury: positions (“Faglig ekspert” /”søknadsvurdering”). Norwegian Research Council (“Norges Forskningsråd”).
- Member of selection-boards; applications Lecturer at the University of Oslo (Lecturer Spanish literature and culture; 2003) and University of Amsterdam:

- Invited member of the jury “Concurso” of the Chair of Linguistics, Universidade de São Paulo (2008).

3. ‘Anonymous referee’ (occasional) for the reviews

- Anonymous referee NWO (Mozaïek-programma) (1).
- Anonymous referee NIAS/ KNAW-applications (2).
- Anonymous referee FWO, (Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium). (1)
- Anonymous referee NFR (Norges Forskningsråd, Norwegian Research Foundation) (5)
- Anonymous referee Mairie de Paris Mairie de Paris : (1 dossier, projet Emergence(s))
- Assessment, course evaluation, visitation. Invited external advisor, “Language Centre” of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (evaluations of the courses Spanish, French, German en Latin), March, 2005.
- Member of the advisory board of the project “Protestant Missionary Linguistics and (Neo-) Pentecostal Missionary Movements in Middle America and the Caribbean in the 20th and 21st century” (Director: Lars Kirkhusmo Pharo, University of Oslo).
- “Domeindeskundige” (invited) member of the board of the “proefvisitatie” (Faculty of Arts, Linguistics, MA & BA), Literary Studies (MA), Spanish, French, English (BA & MA). Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. June, 2013.