Lahaussois, Aimée. Submitted. Glosses in 1850-1910 descriptions of languages with complex verbal morphology. In Cinato, Franck & Lahaussois, Aimée & Whitman, John (eds.) Glossing Practice: Comparative Perspectives.
Lahaussois, Aimée. Submitted. Inauspicious events in Thulung.
Lahaussois, Aimée. In press. Reflexive constructions in Thulung. Reflexive constructions in the world's languages. Janic, Katarzyna, Puddu, Nicoletta and Haspelmath, Martin (Eds). Studies in Diversity Linguistics, Berlin: Language Science Press.
Jacques, Guillaume, Lahaussois, Aimée and Zhang, Shuya. 2021. “Associated Motion in Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan” In Guillaume, Antoine and Koch, Harald (eds), Associated Motion. Empirical Approaches to Language Typology, 64. De Gruyter, p. 819-853.
Colombat, Bernard and Lahaussois, Aimée. 2019. Parties du discours. In Bernard Colombat et Aimée Lahaussois (eds), Histoire des parties du discours. Leuven : Peeters, collection Orbis/Supplementa 46, p. 24-56.
Colombat, Bernard & Lahaussois, Aimée. 2019. L'histoire des parties du discours et la terminologie linguistique. In Colombat, Bernard and Lahaussois, Aimée (eds), Histoire des parties du discours. Leuven : Peeters, collection Orbis/Supplementa 46, p. xv-xxi.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2019. Interjection. In Colombat, Bernard and Lahaussois, Aimée (eds), Histoire des parties du discours. Leuven : Peeters, collection Orbis/Supplementa 46, p. 455-473.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2019, The TULQuest Linguistic Questionnaire Archive. In Lahaussois, Aimée and Vuillermet, Marine (eds). Methodological Tools for Linguistic Description and Typology. Language Documentation and Conservation Special Publication No. 16. Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, p. 34-49.
Lahaussois, Aimée & Vuillermet, Marine. 2019. Introduction: Methodological Tools for Linguistic Description and Typology. In Lahaussois, Aimée & Vuillermet, Marine (eds.), Methodological Tools for Linguistic Description and Typology, Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 16. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, p. 1-4.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2018, Examining approaches to describing complex verbal morphology for an unwritten language. In Colombat, Bernard, Combettes, Bernard, Raby, Valérie et Siouffi, Gilles (eds). Histoire des langues et histoire des représentations linguistiques. Paris: Honoré Champion
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2016, “Where have all the interjections gone? A look into the place of interjections in contemporary grammars of endangered languages.” Assunção, Carlos, Gonçalo Fernandes & Rolf Kemmler, eds. Tradition and Innovation in the History of Linguistics: Contributions from the 13th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHoLS XIII), Vila Real, 25-29 August 2014. Münster: Nodus Publikationen.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2016, “The translation tier in interlinear glossed text: changing practices in the description of endangered languages.” In Philips-Batoma, Patricia, and Zhang, Florence (eds), Translation as Innovation: Bridging the Sciences and the Humanities. Normal, IL: Dalkey Archive Press, pp. 261-278.
Lahaussois, Aimée and Léon, Jacqueline. 2015, “Transcription and translation of unwritten languages in American linguistics (1950s to 2000s)”, dans Aussant, Emilie (ed.) La traduction dans l'histoire des idées linguistiques. Représentations et pratiques. Geuthner. pp 235-258.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2015, “The Kiranti comparable corpus: a prototype corpus for the comparison of Kiranti languages and mythology,” In Mari Jones (ed), Endangered Languages and New Technologies, Cambridge University Press, pp. 17-34.
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2003, Ergativity in Thulung Rai: a shift in the position of pronominal split, in D. Bradley, R. LaPolla, B. Michailovsky & G. Thurgood (eds), Language Variation: Papers on variation and change in the Sinosphere and in the Indosphere in honour of James A. Matisoff, Canberra, Australian National University (Pacific Linguistics), p. 101-112.
Articles de revue / Journal articles
Jacques, Guillaume & Lahaussois, Aimée. Submitted. Elevational deixis in the Kiranti verb.
Lahaussois, Aimée. Accepted. Glossing in the Linguistic Survey of India: some insights into early 20th century practices. Historiographia Linguistica.
Jacques, Guillaume and Lahaussois, Aimée. 2016, “Reflexive paradigms in Khaling Rai.” Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area 39.1 pp.33-48.
Jacques, Guillaume, Lahaussois, Aimée, Michailovsky, Boyd, and Khaling, Dhana. 2012, “An overview of Khaling verbal morphology”. Language and Linguistics LL13.6
Lahaussois, Aimée and Guillaume, Séverine. 2012, “A viewing and processing tool for the analysis of a comparable corpus of Kiranti mythology.” LREC Building and Using Comparable Corpora Workshop Proceedings
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2011, “The Thulung Rai verbal system: an account of verb stem alternation” Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale Vol. 40:2. Pp 189-224. Compléter la référence
Lahaussois, Aimée. 2002, Nominalization, relativization, genitivization in Thulung Rai, Proceedings of the XXVIIIth annual meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Berkeley (CA), 12 p.
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