2021. “TAM in Kiranti language descriptions: 1850's-1980's”, Séance scientifique HTL Le système verbal chez quelques grammairiens de langues non-européenne des 19e et 20e siècles : Quatre études de cas de trois continents: Afrique (wolof), Amérique du sud (tupi-guarani), Asie (kiranti) et langues méso-americaines (nahuatl et matlatzinca), 21 May 2021 (online)
2021, “Vers une approche empirique des pratiques grammaticographiques”, Séminaire Le statut et le défi des dictionnaires et des grammaires, 17 & 18 March 2021, Université Aix Marseille (online)
2020, “Terrains outillés sur les langues kiranti du Népal”, Séminaire Le terrain, 16 October 2020, Université Aix Marseille (online)
2020, with Guillaume Jacques, “Elevational deixis in the Kiranti verb”, International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, 2-4 October 2020, Austin, Texas (online)
2020 (invited speaker), “Glossing in the Linguistic Survey of India: Some insights into early 20th century practices”, First International Conference on Linguistic Terminology, Glossing and Phonemicization, 22-24 January 2020, Yonezawa, Japan
2019, “Derivational predicates in Thulung Rai”, South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable (SALA), 29-31 October 2019, Paris
2019, “The emergence of segmentation in descriptions of Tibeto‐Burman languages of Nepal”, Henry Sweet Society, 5-8 September 2019, Edinburg, Scotland.
2019, “Tracing influences in descriptive grammar organization”, Himalayan Languages Symposium, 26-28 June 2019, Sydney, Australia.
2019, “The morphology of derivational predicates in Thulung”, International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, 23-25 June 2019, Sydney, Australia.
2019, “Predicate derivations in Thulung”, Séminaire LingLunch Paris Diderot, 6 June, Paris.
2019, “Une étude pilote en grammaticographie empirique : grammaires de langues du Népal”, Séminaire HTL-Labex, 20 May, Paris.
2019, avec Barbara Kelly, “Establishing linguistic schools through reading descriptive grammars: a pilot study using Himalayan grammars”, Colloque de la Société d'histoire et épistémologie des sciences du langage, 24-26 January, Paris.
2018, avec Barbara Kelly, “Evolving approaches to verbal paradigms in Hodgson’s descriptions of Kiranti languages”, Society for the History of Linguistics in the Pacific, 12-14 December, Adelaide, Australia.
2018, avec Guillaume Jacques, “Ambulatives in Kiranti”, ESAMP (Events and Space: Associated Motion and Posture), 5 December, Université Paris Diderot, Paris
2018, “TULQuest: an interactive archive for linguistic questionnaires” (Poster). Syntax of the World's Languages, 3-5 September, Paris
2018, “Inauspicious events in Thulung Rai: from prohibitives to the odd avertive.” Syntax of the World's Languages, 3-5 September, Paris
2018, “Ambulative constructions in Khaling Rai and Thulung Rai.” Himalayan Languages Symposium, 8-10 June, Lucknow, India.
2017, avec Guillaume Jacques et Shuya Zhang. “Associated Motion in Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan”. Workshop sur le mouvement associé, Meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology, 15 décembre, Canberra (presenté par Shuya Zhang)
2017, “The TULQuest linguistic questionnaire archive”. Workshop on questionnaires in linguistic description and typology, 9-10 novembre, Paris.
2017, “TULQuest, an online archive for linguistic questionnaires”. Journées des programmes TUL, 14 et 15 septembre, Paris.
2017, “Glosses for argument roles in descriptions of languages with polypersonal verbal indexation”. International Conference on the History of Language Sciences, 28/8-1/9/2017, Paris
2017, avec Jacqueline Léon. “Morpheme as a unit (of transcription and analysis) in American anthropogical linguistics.” Colloquium of the Henry Sweet Society, 28 avril, University of Westminster, Londres.
2016, “Ideophonic lexemes in Khaling”. Atelier sur les langues kiranti, 1-2 décembre 2016. (Colloque de clôture du projet ANR HimalCO, co-organisé avec Guillaume Jacques)
2016, “The shapes of verbal paradigms in Kiranti languages”. Journées d'étude sur les Grammaires étendues, 3-4 novembre 2016. (Journées d'étude co-organisées avec Emilie Aussant)
2016, “Examining approaches to describing complex verbal morphology for an unwritten language.” Colloque SHESL, 21-23 janvier 2016, Paris
2016, “Himalco : Corpus parallèles en langues himalayennes”. Séminaire Problèmes d'Analyse et Comparaison de Langues, 13 janvier 2016, LACITO, Villejuif.
communication acceptée. “Ideophones in Khaling Rai”. Colloque Himalayan Languages Symposium, 26-28 novembre 2015, Katmandou, Népal.
2015, “Contemporary interlinear glossing as practiced by field linguists.” Séance scientifique HTL “From punctuation to morphosyntactic glosses: East and West, past and present” (co-organisée avec Franck Cinato), 12 décembre 2015, Paris
2015, “Relativization in Thulung Rai” XVIIIe Journées Linguistique Asie Orientale, 2-3 juillet 2015, Paris
2014, “Reflexive derivations in Thulung Rai”. Syntax of the World's Languages, Pavia, Italy, 8-10th September 2014.
2014, “Where have all the interjections gone? A look into the place of interjections in contemporary grammars of endangered languages.” ICHOLS XIII, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, 25-29th August 2014. http://ichols-xiii.realvitur.pt/program.aspx
2012, “The translation tier in interlinear glossed text: changing practises in the description of endangered languages?”, Translation and Innovation conference, Paris, France, 13-15/12/12. http://www.univ-paris-diderot.fr/TransInov/page.php?np=program