Otto Zwartjes


Né le 12 novembre 1958


IdHAL: 1057145

Fonction actuelle

2017 - …. Professeur des universités (première classe depuis 2019). Université de Paris.

Executive editor, Historiographia Linguistica.

Laboratoire Histoire des Théories Linguistiques. HTL est une Unité Mixte de Recherche (n°7597), dont les tutelles sont le CNRS, l’Université de Paris et l’Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Membre du Laboratoire d'excellence “Fondaments Empiriques de la Linguistique” (LABEX-EFL). Axe 3: Typologie et dynamique des systèmes linguistiques.

Postes occupés antérieurement

Domaines de recherche et d'expertise

Domaines d'enseignement


“Fellowships”, Diplômes, Titres, Primes, Memberships

- Member of the “Conseil d’Administration de la S.H.E.S.L. (Société d’Histoire et d’Épistémologie des Sciences du Langage).

- Member of the Scientific Council of the “Seminario Permanente de Historiografía Lingüística (FES, Acatlán, Mexico).

Travaux - ouvrages - articles - réalisations

Présentation du projet de recherche

Read the presentation

Projets en cours/ Organisation de rencontres scientifiques

International Conferences on Missionary Linguistics

Director: Otto Zwartjes

The history of the International Conferences on Missionary Linguistics starts in the year 2002 when Otto Zwartjes founded the OsProMil (Oslo Project on Missionary Linguistics), financed by the Norwegian Research Council “Norges Forskningsråd”, until 2006. The conferences are organised in three continents, Europe (Oslo, Valladolid, Bremen, Rome), Americas (São Paulo [Brasil], Mérida [México], Lima [Perú], Santa Rosa de la Pampa [Argentine]) and Asia (Hong Kong, Tokyo, Manila).

Next Conference (2023): The XIIth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, University of Macau.

Published volumes derived from the Missionary Linguistics conferences:

CERRÓN-PALOMINO, Rodolfo/EZCURRA RIVERO, Álvaro/ZWARTJES, Otto (eds.) (2019): Lingüística misionera. Aspectos lingüísticos discursivos, filológicos y pedagógicos. Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú/Fondo Editorial.

REGÚNAGA, María Alejandra/ ZWARTJES, Otto (eds.). 2020. Continuidades y rupturas en la lingüística misionera del siglo XIX. Número temático: Revista Argentina de Historiografía Lingüística Vol. 12 (no. 1).

ZIMMERMANN, Klaus/KELLERMEIER-REHBEIN, Birte (eds.) (2015): Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics. (=Koloniale und Postkoloniale Linguistik, vol. 5). Berlin: De Gruyter.

ZWARTJES, Otto. 2020. Nuevos enfoques y desafíos metodológicos para el estudio de la lingüística misionera latinoamericana (siglos XVI-XVIII). Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana (RILI) Vol. XVIII (no. 36).

ZWARTJES, Otto/ALTMAN, Cristina (eds.) (2005): Missionary Linguistics II/Lingüística misionera II: Orthography and Phonology. Selected Papers from the Second International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, São Paulo, 10-13 March, 2004. (=Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 109). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

ZWARTJES, Otto/ARZÁPALO MARÍN, Ramón/SMITH-STARK, Thomas C. (eds.) (2009): Missionary Linguistics IV/Lingüística misionera IV. Lexicography. Selected papers from the Fifth International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Mérida, Yucatán, 14-17 March 2007. (=Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 114). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

ZWARTJES, Otto/HOVDHAUGEN, Even (eds.) (2004): Missionary Linguistics/Lingüística misionera [I]. Selected Papers from the First International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Oslo, March, 13th-16th, 2003. (=Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 106). Amsterdam/Phildadelphia: John Benjamins.

ZWARTJES, Otto/JAMES, Gregory/RIDRUEJO, Emilio (eds.) (2007): Missionary Linguistics III/Lingüística Misionera III. Morphology and Syntax. Selected papers from the Third and Fourth International Conferences on Missionary Linguistics, Hong Kong/Macau, 12-15 March 2005, Valladolid, 8-11 March 2006. (=Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 111). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

ZWARTJES, Otto/KOERNER, Konrad (eds.) (2009): Quot homines tot artes. New Studies on Missionary Linguistics. Historiographia Linguistica 36(2-3).

ZWARTJES, Otto/ZIMMERMANN, Klaus/SCHRADER-KNIFFKI, Martina (eds.) (2014): Missionary Linguistics V/Lingüística V. Translation Theories and Practices. Selected papers from the Seventh International Conference on Missionary Linguistics, Bremen, 28 February-2 March 2012. (=Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, vol. 122). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Read more about the project

ROLD (Revitalising Older Documentation)

Otto Zwartjes is founder of the ROLD Research group and directed the program between 2006-2017.

Description of the research group

The members of the group investigate older texts (colonial, postcolonial, missionary and non-missionary, word lists of travelers and historians) with the following objectives: historical linguistics, the history of linguistics, linguistic documentation, translation studies and socio-cultural analysis. The aim of historical linguistics is to describe older stages of languages as well as (processes of) language change, while the history of linguistics studies early thinking on languages, linguistics typologies and structures and linguistics. Linguistic documentation is a crucial part of both branches. These studies are often interrelated with those of the cultural context in which colonial societies developed. Non-Western languages are our main focus.

Six Meetings were organized at the University of Amsterdam. Selected papers of ROLD meetings are published in the STUF-review (Berlin Akademie Verlag) and in the on-line journal Linguistics in Amsterdam).

* (2020), 18-december: Special ROLD Session: Mastering Mandarin and Mĭn-Chinese in Manila and Macao: Revitalizing Older Linguistic Documentation. Séance scientifique du labo.

* (2021), 21 may: Séance scientifique du laboratoire HTL organisée par Otto Zwartjes (UP/ HTL). Project : Revitalising Older Linguistic Documentation (ROLD). La morphologie chez quelques grammairiens de langues non-européennes des 19e et 20e siècles : Quatre études de cas de trois continents : Afrique (wolof), les Amériques (tupí-guaraní, langues mésoaméricaines), et Asie (kiranti). Approaches to morphology in 19th and 20th century grammars of non-European languages. Four case studies from three continents: Africa (Wolof), the Americas (Tupi-Guarani, Mesoamerican languages) and Asia (Kiranti).

Published volumes derived from the ROLD meetings:

ALEXANDER-BAKKERUS, Astrid/ ZWARTJES, Otto (eds.). 2013. Historical Documentation and Reconstruction of American languages. Special issue: Language Typology and Universals/ Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (Berlin: Akademie Verlag). 66:3.

ALEXANDER-BAKKERUS, Astrid/ ZWARTJES, Otto (eds.). 2014. A Colonized World Revisited: Linguistic perspectives from unpublished colonial and postcolonial documents. Special issue: Language Typology and Universals/ Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung (Berlin: De Gruyter / Mouton). 67:2.

ALEXANDER-BAKKERUS, Astrid/ ZACK, Liesbeth (eds.). 2014. Revitalizing Older Linguistic Documentation: Proceedings of the Vth International Meeting. Special issue: Linguistics in Amsterdam 7 (nr. 2, 1).

ALEXANDER-BAKKERUS, Astrid/ FERNÁNDEZ RODRÍGUEZ, Rebeca/ ZWARTJES, Otto (eds.). 2020. Missionary Linguistic Studies from Mesoamerica to Patagonia. Leiden & Boston: Brill. (=Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture, v. 22.).


IndesLing - Projet ANR Nom du projet : Des Indes linguistiques. Réceptions européennes des langues extra-européennes, élaboration et circulations des savoirs linguistiques (XVIe-XIXe siècle). Coordinateur du projet : Fabien Simon (ICT) Participants HTL : Émilie Aussant, Margherita Farina, Otto Zwartjes. Durée : 4 ans (2021-2025)

Autres conférences (membre du comité scientifique)